June Part II, Birthday Posting Might Just Become my Full Time Job, (But I Committed.....)

I can't fix the formatting for June 11, 12 and 13, I really tried

I beg the pardon of those who have read my last blog post regarding birthdays and Facebook because the next two paragraphs you read are more than just eerily similar to paragraphs to what you have read before.  They are more like cut and paste. (Cut and pasted words are in red in case you want to skip ahead) Alas, however, you are not experiencing some sort of freaky deja vu, I am repeating them for the sake of those who haven't read the last one so that they can be up to speed.

Facebook reminds me daily that friends are celebrating birthdays and I am prompted to send a greeting. Having been the recipient of hundreds of thoughtful and encouraging birthday posts throughout the years, I appreciate how affirming a birthday on Facebook can be. But it's really, really hard to be faithful in wishing all of my Facebook friends a meaningful not generic birthday greeting, though I really want to and to execute it well. 

To remedy this, I hope (no promises) to use this blog space every couple of weeks or so, to highlight my Facebook friends in their birthday month by mentioning a bit about how we met and by remembering a moment we shared together. Each Facebook friend represents a relationship in real life and I think that being more intentionally aware of the part they played in my life and how I have been influenced by their friendship might be more meaningful to them than a passing "Happy Birthday" on Facebook. Admittedly, of the 1300 or so friends I have on Facebook, there are several that perhaps I can't point to specific memories, but instead have more of a fellowship and a memory of mutual experiences

Though this is a very good exercise for me to not only be intentional about relationships and mining my memory to put into words how each birthday person has impacted my life, it is also so that the person reading might better grasp how the seemingly inconsequential moments of life are really not so insignificant after all.   

Though we live in a world where we are supposedly living longer due to better treatments and medicines and where medical screening tests are just as prevalent as diagnostic tests, it seems that life has never been more precarious.  Just this past weekend I attended a memorial service for a very young mother, 7 people died in random terror attacks in London and this very morning, I lost my very first first childhood friend to metastatic breast cancer, she was only 56 years old.  This kind of news is not shocking or new to me or to you, but it should serve as a reminder to always interact with one another well, because to wish you had said more or done more is of no use when someone embarks on eternity, all we are assured of is the moment we are living and the second we are currently in therefore, we had better keep busy applying the advice given to us in Ephesians 4

 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen"

Though this is only my second birthday post, it feels as if I have been doing this for months. It is more difficult that I thought it would be to do this with intentionality and with the appropriate emphasis, so I am thankful for your patience with me as I limp trough the month of June.

June 8
Diane Petok Galny and I first met while we were in the same Brownie troop.  She lived only a block or two away.  We attended different elementary schools but were reacquainted in high school. In my memory, she remains Diane Petok, she and I have not officially met since she changed her name. 

Becky Whitsel and I spend a lot of time together serving at Hope Within.  Becky is a nurse and she fiercely loves her family.  I can always count on Becky to complete tasks that I find too fiddly or have no patience to complete well.  Using the paper cutter comes to mind and so does refilling the stapler and any other manner of assembly or reassembly.  You won't find a better or more willing cupcake baker anywhere else in the world either

Emily Wakefield and I first met when she was in early elementary school. She is the same age as my oldest son.  Emily served in ministry with me for a little while in her teens, she was very good with children even back then so it stands to reason that she is a teacher today.

Noah Gwinn was a student at Hershey Christian School when we first became "friends". Though I'm not completely clear on the memory, I believe we first came to be friends on Facebook through Farmville or some other game we all used to play years ago.  He is a talented musician now, planning to become a worship leader. I know that thanks to our Facebook friendship. 

Gerry Marengo and my son, Brendan were in the same class as they passed through Hershey Christian School.   When I think of Gerry, I think of a compassionate soul who is kind to others and cares deeply for others.  I remember that he was always very bright and was very good with his sight words when he was young.

Bethany Johnson has the biggest, most sincere smile in the world! She is excellent with children ad she was a committed, faithful and dependable volunteer for me.  Not only that, but she has one of the sweetest, gentlest spirits I have ever known.

Helen Engbrecht is as strong in her faith as she is beautiful.  She loves the LORD, she loves her family and though she has suffered some profound heartache, she never lost her faith nor did her testimony waiver. The picture in my mind's eye when I see her is of she and her family ministering in China and of her pushing her big double stroller into the church which contained her three lively tots.  

Kim Heacock and I first met when she visited the church where I was on staff just before the birth of her 2nd baby.  She and her husband, Brad, a pastor had traveled to Hershey from West Virginia in advance of the birth because the baby had some health concerns and they wanted her born at a specialty hospital.  Looking back on those days, I count them as some of the sweetest days I ever had.  Though ostensibly, I was ministering to them, they were really ministering to me.  There were months of hospital visits and Ronald McDonald House stays and many surgeries and through it all, their faith intensified and magnified.  Having Facebook has allowed me a glimpse into how their children are growing and has allowed me to see how they have matured as parents along the way.  

Kim Sadowski, there are few people who can bring 11-12 little elementary boys to a basketball game or to church or to the grocery store or to anywhere and still have a smile on their face. Though I admire Kim for her steadfast faith and her heart for the lost, I will always remember her with a trail of children following behind her. Kim not only raised three great children of her own, but she has impacted the lives of hundreds of other children by mothering as a house parent at Milton Hershey School.  

June 9  (only one)

Carol Bachman is an example of how you can be good friends with another yet never have actually met them. Carol, better known to me as "Beanie" became very good friends with my mom on Pogo.  Pogo is an online game site and they met while playing Word Whomp.  Beanie and my mom would watch "Dancing With the Stars" together, while one was in Maine and the other in Indiana. They would discuss their favorite pairs and the routines and costumes in the Word Whomp chat room.  When Bradley was very young and computers were new to most of us, Bradley learned to use a mouse while safely chatting with Beanie when he played a game because he played with my mother who introduced him to Beanie. When my mother died, Beanie was one of the first people that I notified and she was so sad to have lost that friendship.  I never even knew that "Beanie" had another name until I had to find her to tell her the sad news about my mom.  

June 10 

Mama Iorio (courtesy of Facebook)
In a day and age when nobody feels they have the right or the obligation to discipline the child of another, its difficult to believe that we ever lived in a world where it was not only acceptable to do so but expected. In those days children would obey and listen to any adult who happened to be present when they did something worth being admonished for. In my neighborhood there were many of those mothers who would treat you as their own. Such is the case of Madeleine Iorio and though she died a few years ago, I wanted to remember her birthday in this post too.  She was the best Italian cake baker there ever was and she was quick to step in when I stepped out of line as a teenager.  She had no compunction at all about speaking into my life whenever she saw the need.  I washed as many or more dishes in her sink as I did at my own and I probably slept more under her roof than I did my own.. 

Amy Koch brings joy to my heart.  Amy has the most gregarious personality and the tenderest of hearts.  Her patience in waiting for what God had in store for her life was inspiring and He did reward her for being so faithful by blessing her with the desire of her heart.  Happiness washes over me when I think of Amy and I will forever appreciate how reliably and joyfully she served with the children.  

June 11

Dana Rhine had children at Hershey Christian School and her children were also part of my ministry at Hershey Free.  I remember when Dana was first wrestling with the decision whether or not to home-school her children and the process she went through to make that decision.  The choice weighed heavily on her and now, many years later, her girls are thriving at home under her teaching.  Facebook has allowed me to follow her great victory.  I also remember how when a mutual friend of ours was in a vehicle accident, how quick she was to throw herself in to help.  .  

Mike Saufley and I circled the same orbit in the early years of my ministry at the Hershey church where I served.  I clearly remember Mike, as a very involved dad, coming to pick up his babies with such anticipation of seeing them after their class.

June 12

Laurie Petersen the first time I met Laurie she was freshly back in the area after having been away for many years.  She and her two sons appeared at my Toddler story time/ craft time monthly event.  I wasn't quite sure how to process this spit fire of a mom, but I soon learned that she has a happy countenance and many talents including stage fighting and tap dancing.  She is a fierce and protective mom, yet laid back at the same time.  After having a dream where Laurie was the mother of three, I shared it with her.  Not long afterward, she became pregnant with her 3rd little boy, either she thought of me as a prophet or she blamed me, not sure which, but either way it turned out alright because that baby number 3 is a pretty awesome kid!

Julie Bixler and her whole family are pretty special people. Julie sings like an angel and has the disposition of one too. As with a great number of Facebook friends, I first met her when she served in the ministry that I oversaw.  Julie loves the LORD a lot and it is that fact that I think of when she comes to mind.

June 13

Ann Ariano and I first met while her son was in "Titanic, the Musical", the first show I ever produced.  Ann did a bit of costuming and a lot of the props for the show and as it turns out, shes a pretty great actress in her own right.  I love the fact that she and her husband and children are all interested in performing and how they support each other as they pursue the arts in all forms.  

Karyn Nicolai you I went to the same high school.  Though we knew each other, we were not close friends but we had a lot of friends in common. I feel that we were able to get to know each other a bit better years and years later while attending the reunion last year where your words encouraged me.  Karyn, you have the most startlingly beautiful eyes that I have ever seen in my life.  

Craig Bell and I attended the same church.  Though we don't know each other particularly well, I am struck by his ability to persevere in the midst of adversity and his ability to keep his eye on the Lord regardless of the circumstances he finds himself in.

Karen Zipprick is one of the finest, gentlest and kindest individuals I have ever met.  The smile she wears stays in her eyes even when the smile has left her lips.  She is responsible for raising four strong, talented and godly daughters and has unleashed them into the world after demonstrating daily to them, what a woman of character looks like. 

June 14

Bradford Whitson, oh Bradford, you have grown so much since our Farmville playing days. I have watched you steadily grow in confidence and talent through the years and I am very proud of you!  It's a blessing to see and hear you worship at church, but it especially blesses me to see you doing it beside Brendan, because the both of you were just clamoring little boys refusing your vegetables on the lunch line just the other day!  

Ray Davis, your profile picture looks nothing like you, yet it is you in every sense.  You are a lion and you fiercely roar for the sake of Christ.  You are a gentle and patient father and a doting husband, yet you don't shy away from the prisoners or the homeless.  I have seen you pick up your hammer and climb ladders to replace a roof on a 50 year old ministry building in the blistering sun.  You are an inspiration to all you encounter.

Jody Fausnight, I remember the first time I talked to you and it was on the phone. You were a volunteer that I inherited and when I called you and asked for Jody, I was expecting a woman.  I'm very sorry about that, but I quickly learned to appreciate your hard working attitude and your faithful service to those little ones we cared for together.  My favorite memory of you, however, is watching you tenderly hoist the wheelchair Larry had to be in when he broke his leg.  

June 15

Mary Ann Eagleson, the memories I have of you all center on encouragement.  I can't think of a time when I ran into you where I didn't leave feeling affirmed and encouraged.  Your creativity and your positivity compare to no other person I've ever known.  You are smart, you are earnest, you are a biblical scholar and I appreciate how you freely share your knowledge in practical and creative ways. You have an inner beauty that seeps to the outside,  You have raised amazing kids that have turned into incredible adults and I am so proud to call my my friend. 

Colton Cole, I'm sorry, Colton but what I remember about you the most is when you had an injury and you bled and bled. I have other memories too, but that is the one that stands out in my mind.  I've had so much fun watching you be an uncle and I've been so happy to see that you and Brendan have become friends. I remember you as a little boy on Wednesday nights running around and at Co-op and you always had a sense of fun and a true vivaciousness to you.

Colette Saufley  you are quite special.  You are part of the landscape of Hershey that lays in my mind.  You were either teaching, organizing, coaching or running around putting out fires in your leadership roles.  I have seen you be a supportive military wife and a leader in the church. It is wonderful to know that your years of sacrifice for your children have paid off in that your kids are now incredible adults doing incredible things. You should be very proud of what you have achieved!  Congratulations on a job well done!  

Jan Calhoon, when I saw you recently, I shared with you one of my favorite memories.  It had to do with the Power Team and how while they were at our church, one of them threw his neck out and you came to the rescue by placing him on the floor of the sleeper nursery and you applied your strangely effective chiropractic skills and it worked!  I was astonished!  Aside from that, I enjoyed getting to know you better every first Sunday of the month in the nursery and look forward unexpectedly to your new Bible study.

Ben Bomgardner you and Sarah were just kids when we first crossed paths.  I remember when you announced you were getting married and you both looked so young and you could easily pass for kids about to graduate from the 8th grade.  You and Sarah were so faithful in serving for me during special meetings etcetera and I was blessed to be at your wedding to witness God create a new family. And later, watching you transform from a kid to a caring husband and a patient father was a highlight. I was glad to run in to you recently,and for what it is worth, I am proud of the man you have become.

June 16

Van VanderSchaaf we did not know each other super well but our time together made an impact on me. Thank you for being so willing to serve in the Walker 1 nursery all those years ago and thank you for the joy I had in watching you become a daddy.  I hope Nebraska has treated you well.  I have no doubt that the kids you teach consider you one of the great blessings of their life. Tell Erin that I said hello.

June 17

Mikala Haulman you are a sweet girl that has no idea how special you are.  What I see when I look at you is a talented, beautiful girl that is only able to see what is directly in front of her and who can't yet grasp the big picture.  My birthday wish for you is that you will realize that God has an amazing plan all worked out for you and I'm praying that you will come to trust that more every day.  Some people peak at 17, but that will not be you, sweet girl, because for you, the best has yet to come. 

Chris Fischer, the memory of our times together i high school are a blessing to me.It's lovely to see that you have a happy and enjoyable life and I really hope that this is the summer where we can actually get together and have a sweet little reunion. 

Dave Warfel, I have a ton of memories of you and most all of them involve you either carrying or playing a musical instrument either at church or in a show.  I remember when you bought a new car and you were telling me all about how it could double as a hearse if necessary.  That made me laugh.  I appreciated what a good son you were to your mom and how you cared for her so tenderly.  I appreciate so much, how you always encouraged my son when he was involved in something you were involved with.  Your words spurred him on and gave him confidence.  Thank you for that!

Peter Warren, though I'm not sure why, the first thought when I think of you is Pinewood Derby.  There must be some underlying reason for that but I cannot put my finger on it. I'm thankful for the friendship my son has in you and I'm proud to see the man that you have grown into.  You have done your parents and anybody else who was even tangentially involved in your childhood reason to be very proud.

For my June birthday friends, I offer you this prayer and this promise from Psalm 91; 

"If you say, “The LORD is my refuge, and you make the Most High your dwelling, 

no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. 

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 

they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. 

You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 

“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 
 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 

 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

The month of June Part III will commence sometime in the next couple of days.  As I said earlier, this blog and this subject matter requires a bit of thought and reflection so it takes a bit of time to produce. Sometime before that, however, with permission from her family, I hope to share a little bit about my friend who passed away this morning.  Thank you so much for reading the words that I have rambled, I appreciate it very much and if you we have any mutual birthday friends, wish them a happy fay from me!


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